Thursday 26 February 2015


Some of my more regular readers may have noticed I’ve got a lot of love for John Carpenter’s The Thing.
Hell, I recently called it the greatest remake EVER!
So I love when other people show their love for this legitimate masterpiece by mashing it up with other flicks. I got a massive kick out of seeing Pingu Meets The Thing a couple of weeks ago, but this work (by genius animator Lee Hardcastle once again) takes it one step further, combining the icy, snowy isolation and horror of The Thing (more specifically, the blood testing scene) with the icy, snowy isolation and toe-tapping catchy music numbers of Frozen.

Yes, the Disney, ‘Let it go’, Olaf the snowman one.


Check it out and be sure to hit up the very talented Mr Hardcastle‘s official web site immediately.

Anybody out there got anything similar for me? Send it my way!

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Until next time, I hope you enjoyed your stay.

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